The core mission of Globe Art Point is advocating cultural equity, diversity and inclusion in the arts and cultural sector in Finland. G.A.P also serves as an information centre and meeting point for artists, cultural workers and arts and cultural institutions in Finland.
Our focus is on Finland-based professional artists, cultural workers and cultural entrepreneurs with diverse backgrounds being acknowledged and their untapped potential fully utilised. G.A.P, together with our stakeholders and collaborators, is dedicated to improving the existing structures and building a society free from cultural discrimination or any other form of oppression. Our goal is to create constructive and action-driven dialogues with the entire society, from local grassroots to the national level.
1. Act as an advocate and representative of foreign-born artists residing in Finland
- Is part of cultural-political decision making and development processes.
- Promotes public discourse on the role of equity and inclusiveness in the arts and culture sector in Finland.
- Contributes to building strong, organisation-based coalitions among the arts and cultural sector in order to support more inclusive legislations (funds, re-distribution, cultural status, civil rights).
- Active in Nordic-Baltic and other global civil organisation networks.
2. Support artists & cultural workers
- Advisory work, workshops, support groups.
- Networking, discussions, events and seminars.
- Developing and sustaining bridges between artists/cultural workers and art & cultural institutes (GAP LAB – GAP INFO).
- Normalising programmes with a high value of diversity and artistic quality.
- Promoting good practices and dialogue to accelerate the changes within the field of arts and culture.
- Offering a space for community building, networking and projects.
3. Collect, mediate and distribute information
- Labour and field related information: Useful especially, but not exclusively, for foreign-born artists and cultural workers in Finland.
- Information provided on issues such as art & culture organisations and institutes, current and future projects, funding, labour legislation, and the tax system in Finland.
- Surveys and research on cultural diversity, immigration and current situations in the field of arts and culture in Finland.
- Mediating between foreign-born artists, art & cultural institutions and policy makers.
Globe Art Point ry was founded on 28.9.2016 by a group of foreign born and Finnish artists and cultural workers with the aim of promoting and supporting the status and working conditions of artists and cultural professionals with a foreign background residing in Finland. The Association’s territory is Finland. To implement its aims, G.A.P organises admission free training, workshops and events; disseminates information and educational materials; and acts as a cultural-political advocate. To support its activities, the association can: Organise training and events; implement surveys; receive grants, donations & wills (testaments); own real and movable property needed for its activities, implement fund-collecting or lottery with proper permission and raise funds with some other means.
The founding members of Globe Art Point ry were Circo Criollo, European Theatre collective association ry, Osuuskunta SummArt, Sivuvalo multilingual literature project, Teatteriyhdistys Metamorfoosi ry and Paola Livorsi, Marek Pluciennik and Tomi Purovaara.
Board members 2023–2025: Alexandr Foy (chairperson),Tatiana Solovieva (vice-chairperson), Jorge (Yvapurü) Samaniego Bonnin, Bekim Hasaj, Cristian Medel, Saskia Signori. Vice board members: Julia Jing Guo, Emmi Komlosi.
- Board members 2021–2023 (22.8.22): Alexandr Foy (chairperson), Tatiana Solovieva (vice-chairperson) Jorge (Yvapurü) Samaniego Bonnin, Emmi Komlosi, Cristian Medel, Saskia Signori. Vice board members: Bekim Hasaj, Alexander Komlosi.
- Board members 2021–2023 (28.4.22 – 22.8.22): Ruby Gupte (chairperson), Alexandr Foy (vice-chairperson), Jorge (Yvapurü) Samaniego Bonnin, Emmi Komlosi, Cristian Medel, Tatiana Solovieva. Vice board members: Alexander Komlosi, Saskia Signori.
- Board members 2021–2023 (28.4.21 – 28.4.21): Ruby Gupte (chairperson), Alexandr Foy (vice-chairperson), Jorge (Yvapurü) Samaniego Bonnin, Emmi Komlosi, Daniel Malpica, Tatiana Solovieva. Vice board members: Cristian Medel, Alexander Komlosi.
- Board members 2019–2021: Ceyda Berk-Söderblom (chairperson), Sepideh Rahaa (vice-chairperson), Aime Accorsi, Diego Ginartes, Geneva Rosett-Hafter, Ebun Kivinen, Daniel Malpica, Jorge (Yvapurü) Samaniego Bonnin. Vice board members: Alex Komlosi, Kalle Sandqvist.
- Board members 2017–2019: David Kozma (chairperson), Daniel Malpica (vice-chairperson) Davide Giovanzana, Diego Ginartes, Sepideh Rahaa, Ceyda Berk-Söderblom, Kalle Sandqvist, Pablo Alvarez.
- Board members 2016–2017: Tomi Purovaara (chairperson), Salla Kozma (vice-chairperson), Davide Giovanzana (secretary), Kalle Sandqvist, Daniel Malpica, Roxana Crisologo, Celso Molina, Kemê Pellicer, Sepideh Rahaa.
Full members (21):
- Artpreneur Finland ry
- Arcaica ry
- Artmu
- BlackBoxGenesis
- Cafe Cardemumma
- Catalysti
- Cinemaissi
- Emissa ry / Scandinavial International Film Festival SCIFF
- Helsinki International Artists’ Associaton
- Interlab
- Kulkijat ry
- Kulttuurikameleontit ry
- Kulttuurikeskus Ninho
- Kulttuuriyhdistys Culture Current ry
- MiklagardArts
- Post Theatre Collective
- Selkokulttuuri ry
- Svenska.fi
- Teatteriyhdistys Metamorfoosi
- Think Africa
Supporting members (35):
- Pablo Alvarez
- Anastasia Anikina
- Mercedes Balarezo
- Roxana Crisólogo
- Tania Crossingham
- Diego Ginartes
- Davide Giovanzana
- Vera Ginzburg
- Tashi Iwaoka
- Cristian Medel
- Mila Iloria
- Yassine Khaled
- David Kozma
- Kriti Kumari
- Andrei Kureichik
- Paola Livorsi
- Moe Louanjli
- Siim Maaten
- Daniel Malpica
- Martina Marti
- Kuralay Meirbekova
- Susanne Montag-Wärnå
- Libero Mureddu
- Kemê Pellicer
- Andrea Puscasu
- Tomi Purovaara
- Sepideh Rahaa
- Anna Sidorova
- Urvashi Soni
- Anastasia Stankevich
- Artur Sumarokov
- Yuko Takeda
- Veronika Vegesent
- Quentin Wachter
- We Are Africans ry
A legal entity (association, cooperative, company) that accepts the purpose of the association can be accepted as a full member of the association. The annual fee for the full membership is 40 €.
A private person or legal entity that wishes to support the purpose and activities of the association can be accepted as a supporting member. The annual fee for the supporting membership is 20 €.
Before applying please familiarise yourself on Globe Art Point’s mission here.
- Please describe your activities in the art field.
- What is the reason your community / you would like to be G.A.P´s member?
- What are your expectations and possible contributions for Globe Art Point?
- What is the number of your members?
The members of the Association will be approved by the Board upon application.
- Anna Lindh Foundation
- Culture for All Service: Our board member Yvapurü Samaniego Bonnin is a board member of the service
- Forum Artis: Our Managing Director Jaana Simula is a vice chairperson of the organisation
- Moniheli ry
- On the Move
- The Frame Council member 2024-2027: Yvapurü Samaniego Bonnin
- Trans Europe Halles