When: 15.8. 2024
Time: 9.00 – 17.00

Where: Luckan Helsingfors, Yrjönkatu 27, 00100 Helsinki / YouTube
Price: Free for everyone, however registration is required
Registration: 15.5. – 8.8. 2024

Full programme:

On the 15th of August, Globe Art Point, in close collaboration with Luckan Helsingfors, proudly presents the third edition of the annual art conference, GAP ART SUMMIT. This year, our conference explores the critical theme of “censorship.” The GAP ART SUMMIT 2024 serves as a platform for actionable discourse and inclusive workshops, both in-person and online, aimed at empowering artists, cultural workers and creative professionals in Finland.

The programming places a spotlight on the complexities of censorship within the Finnish and global arts and culture landscape. We aim to deepen understanding of the challenges posed by censorship, exploring its implications on artistic expression, cultural diversity, and professional development. Throughout the event, discussions will feature figures from the Finnish cultural policy sphere, leaders from various institutions, as well as independent professionals representing associations and art organisations. Our agenda will encompass talks, panel discussions, and highly interactive sessions addressing the multifaceted nature of censorship.

By fostering dialogue and sharing insights, the GAP ART SUMMIT 2024 aims to equip attendees with tools to navigate censorship challenges, advocate for artistic freedom, and foster a culture of resilience within the creative community. Join us as we confront censorship and work towards a future where artistic expression thrives in an environment of openness and inclusivity.

GAP ART SUMMIT 2024 has been supported by the Arts Promotion Centre (Taike), the City of Helsinki and the Swedish Cultural Foundation in Finland.


Venue Accessibility

The main entrance to Luckan Helsingfors is on Yrjönkatu 27. There are two steps that lead up to the door. Close to the main entrance, there is a staircase and a smaller elevator that lead up to LillaLuckan (room on the second floor of Luckan). A larger elevator is available at the accessible entrance from the corridor near Forum entrance. The larger elevator leads up to LillaLuckan and the basement.

The accessible entrance without steps is around the corner; from the main entrance you go a little south along Yrjönkatu and on your left you will find an arch that leads towards Forum.

Watch a video about how to reach the accessible entrance to Luckan (only in Swedish):

If you need help with the door at the accessible entrance, you can ring the doorbell or can call +358 44 2386941. If you know, you will need assistance, please contact us beforehand and we will organise help for you.

Please note:

– In between doorsteps there are smaller thresholds that are 2 cm high.
– Luckan has four smaller women’s and men’s toilets and also unisex toilet. The toilets are in the basement. You come to the basement with a spacious elevator.
Upon request, a T-loop can be installed in the conference hall.
In Luckan there are some communication aids to use.
Guide dogs are welcome.
The live stream on YouTube is going to be set to automatically generate live captions.

Safer Space Guidelines

  • This event is a discrimination-free and harassment-free zone.
  • Do not assume anything. Ask, listen and discuss.
  • Treat every individual with dignity and respect.
  • Act honestly, truthfully and with integrity.
  • Avoid conflicts. Every disagreement can be solved peacefully.
  • Be transparent and accountable for all of your actions.
  • If you face any issues or experience violation to this guideline, please contact the organisers of the event.