by Globe Art Point | 28.8.2020 | Events
Do you want to make a movie or have you previously done one but you are still not entirely sure how the copyright process work in Finland? Globe Art Point and HIFF – Love & Anarchy 2020 are hosting the seminar INDUSTRY PANEL: IT’S ALL ABOUT COPYRIGHTS on...
by Globe Art Point | 27.8.2020 | Events
Concluding seminar of the Project Opening (Avaus) September 14th, 2020 in Helsinki Globe Art Point together with the Culture for All service is organising the final seminar of the Avaus project at Ateneum in Helsinki on 14 September 2020. The aim of the...
by Globe Art Point | 13.8.2020 | Events
Have you been working on an exciting project but you are not entirely sure how to execute it? Do you have great ideas but you are struggling to navigate through the complex system of grant applications which are ultimately preventing you from sending them in? Or have...
by Globe Art Point | 11.8.2020 | Events
August 18th, 2020 / 10-12:00 pm Join in and enjoy your morning coffee with us at G.A.P whilst listening to a presentation on a thesis research proposal of Elizaveta (Lisa) Bomash on Tuesday, 18th of August from 10 am to 12 pm. Lisa’s thesis research proposal is...
by Globe Art Point | 6.8.2020 | Advocacy
Opening. The status of foreign-born arts and culture professionals in Finland is a report based on a development project entitled Opening. Becoming an agent in the field of arts and culture in Finland conducted by the Culture for All Service, Cupore and Globe Art...