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Category: BLOG

Meet Our New Managing Director!

Meet Our New Managing Director!

Meet Our New Managing Director!   “Working for Globe Art Point will be like coming home to me, after a versatile career that has always dealt with interculturality and later, with arts and culture.” Saying goodbyes is always a bittersweet feeling, however, this time it comes with a happy ending. Our current Managing Director Jaana Simula is retiring this autumn after her 42 years of service to the arts and culture field in Finland. That being said, we are pleased…

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Failing forward: A discussion on anti-racism in Finland

Failing forward: A discussion on anti-racism in Finland

FAILING FORWARD: A DISCUSSION ON ANTI-RACISM IN FINLAND   Date: 13 March 2024 This article captures the dynamic conversation on anti-racism featuring Monica Gathou (cultural producer and multidisciplinary researcher) and Antonia Atarah (actor and performer) on 20 February, as part of the GAP Peer-to-Peer Program (2023-2024). Through anecdotal exchanges, we explored actionable strategies, challenged institutional norms, and reflected on representation in the arts in Finland. From discussions on color-blind casting to reimagining audience outreach, our conversation highlights the ongoing journey…

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Article: Af­ter­thoughts on The Leap event

Article: Af­ter­thoughts on The Leap event

AFTERTHOUGHTS ON THE LEAP EVENT   Student ambassador Homa interviews Daniel Malpica, Dash Che and Gesa Piper, reflecting on “The Leap”, an event held in February 2024. Daniel Malpica,  Dash Che and Gesa Piper reflect together on the  Leap event that discussed the legal aspects of immigration issues and the working realities of foreign-born artists in Finland. It was organised through Teak’s international alumni network (TIAN) in collaboration with Globe Art Point with support of Teak’s Alumni Association and the student ambassadors. The event…

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“PUSH YOUR LIMITS, BE CONTROVERSIAL”: In Conversation With Multidisciplinary Artist Yvapurü

“PUSH YOUR LIMITS, BE CONTROVERSIAL”: In Conversation With Multidisciplinary Artist Yvapurü

“PUSH YOUR LIMITS, BE CONTROVERSIAL”: In Conversation With Multidisciplinary Artist Yvapurü   Jan 3, 2023 Text: Wena Ho As part of the GAP Peer-to-Peer Programme, we had a conversation with multidisciplinary artist Yvapurü to talk about his practice and his take on personal branding, social media and visibility of international artists based in Finland. W: Thank you for sitting down with us. Personal branding is a topic that has come up repeatedly during our other sessions. As a board member…

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‘A Successful Art Project Has Its Boundaries’ By Terese Kühl

‘A Successful Art Project Has Its Boundaries’ By Terese Kühl

‘A SUCCESSFUL PROJECT HAS ITS BOUNDARIES’ BY TERESE KÜHL    Projects have some universal characteristics regardless of the sector of business. To be defined as a project it should have boundaries such as time, budget, resources (human, materials etc.), space, topic, expectations and targets, deadline, roles and responsibilities etc. By defining the boundaries for the project in advance and communicating them clearly to each team member the project has a chance to be successful. Usually when project fails it is…

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‘Looking for The Key in Sipoo’ by Riband Kurd

‘Looking for The Key in Sipoo’ by Riband Kurd

‘LOOKING FOR THE KEY IN SIPOO’ BY RIBAND KURD   Over the past few months, I have visited Sipoo, it’s a small town in the south of Finland. There are less than 22 thousand people living there. Over the past five years, I’ve taken street photography in big crowded cities, but this time, I traveled to a small town. It was a totally different experience.  I used to take street photos for my own pleasure or to ease alienation pains,…

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‘On Keys’ by Emma Hovi

‘On Keys’ by Emma Hovi

‘ON KEYS’ BY EMMA HOVI   Initiated by Globe Art Point in collaboration with the municipalities of Sipoo and Porvoo, GAP LAB Svenskfinland brought together five artists in the spring of 2022 to develop a new project engaging inhabitants of the two municipalities. Specifically, the idea was for the artists to meet with locals who might not enjoy easy access to cultural services, which in Sipoo and Porvoo typically operate only in a few centralized locations.  Together with Beniamino Borghi,…

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‘The Forgotten Keys: An Artistic Team Experience’ by Jordy Valderrama

‘The Forgotten Keys: An Artistic Team Experience’ by Jordy Valderrama

THE FORGOTTEN KEYS: AN ARTISTIC EXPERIENCE’ BY JORDY VALDERRAMA   An artistic experience is always a very personal task. Artists know about the constant uncertainty and doubt of being mostly freelancers, and as far as I know, the risk of shipwreck or going for a walk outside the safe limits is a way to go. However, we artists love to throw ourselves into that well of uncertainty to immerse ourselves and discover some depth and meaning in the existence of…

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From Anonymous Applicants to Outstanding Recruits: The Story of Five Strangers

From Anonymous Applicants to Outstanding Recruits: The Story of Five Strangers

‘FROM ANONYMOUS APPLICANTS TO OUTSTANDING RECRUITS: THE STORY OF FIVE STRANGERS’ BY ALEX KOLLEROVÁ   ‘From Anonymous Applicants to Outstanding Recruits: The Story of Five Strangers’ is a story of Eva Juutinen, Sofia Molin, Pete Santos, Katia Skylar and Tianna Valta. This seemingly random group of individuals has two things in common; the first is their love of performing arts and the second, each one of them was anonymously recruited to participate in this year’s GAP LAB, a programme organised…

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