by Globe Art Point | 26.2.2021 | News
(Kemê’s speech 47:00 – 57:50) The following text is a speech presented by Globe Art Point’s supporting member Kemê Pellicer at the Avaus Seminar that was held in Ateneum on 14th of September 2020. The seminar was organised in collaboration with the...
by Globe Art Point | 25.2.2021 | Events
Introduction to AV-arkki, Centre for Finnish Media Art is an online informative session for Finnish and Finland-based media artists organised by Globe Art Point, in collaboration with the AV-arkki association on Thursday, 18 March from 17:00 to 18:30. During the...
by Globe Art Point | 16.2.2021 | Events
RECLAIMING BOUNDARIES Dialogue on harassment and inappropriate behaviour in the Finnish arts & culture field Globe Art Point, in collaboration with Trade Union for Art and Culture Professionals (TAKU) organises an online dialogue on work-related harassment and...