by Globe Art Point | 10.4.2017 | News
Kultur av vem. En undersökning av mångfald i den svenska kultursektorn 2015. (Report in swedish, summary in english) Summary: The Swedish Agency for Cultural Policy Analysis conducted a mapping study of foreign backgrounds among employees in the part of the cultural...
by Globe Art Point | 9.4.2017 | News
Suomeen muuttaneet taiteilijat eivät jää marginaaliin valtion taiteen tukijärjestelmässä. Aitoon valtavirtaistumiseen on kuitenkin vielä matkaa. Eri kieliryhmiin kuuluvat hakijat saavat valtion taidetoimikuntien apurahoja hakijaosuuttaan vastaavasti. Valtion...
by Globe Art Point | 6.4.2017 | Events
Welcome to our first Help Desk workshop! This Grant application’s workshop is one of the series which Globe Art Point will provide this year for all artists, the ones who are starting to familiarize themselves with the funding system and the ones who already...
by Globe Art Point | 6.4.2017 | Events
We want to meet you! Do you want to meet us too? Join us on Friday 12th May from 5:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. at our headquarters at Malminkatu 5 (Kamppi) to celebrate the blooming atmosphere of the spring and new projects! Due the space is limited we kindly ask you to...