Zodiak – Center for New Dance and Globe Art Point are now jointly calling for applications for new contemporary dance works for the year 2020. The call is open until November 15, 2018.
Zodiak – Center for New Dance is a progressive dance organisation and the most significant production house of contemporary dance in Finland. The mission of Zodiak is to produce, present and promote works of high artistic quality and innovation.
This joint call is a part of Zodiak’s open call for the year 2020. The selected work will be presented as a part of Zodiak’s performance program.
Established in 2016 in, Helsinki Globe Art Point is an umbrella organization with a mission to enhance diversity in the Finnish art and culture scene by supporting the working circumstances, visibility and cultural political status of the non-Finnish-born artists and art workers resident in Finland.
This joint call is a part of Globe Art Point´s GAP LAB project supported by the Finnish Culture Foundation. In GAP LAB the selected/supported working groups and projects consist of non-Finnish-born artists living in Finland and Finnish born artists/art workers collaborating and creating together.
There are two possible production categories in this call:
1) The core of Zodiak’s activities is the program of premiere works / new creations, which Zodiak co-produces. The focus is on productions with a bold corporeal approach to contemporary dance and the performing arts. The curators will consider the originality and clearness of the initial idea and choreographic thinking, as well as the possible audience relations the performance will create.
Zodiak encourages the applicants to consider what kind of world relation their proposal contains. The starting points for the works can vary from the very personal to universal and social themes. The works can also take many forms. But whatever your approach is, could it offer the audience a new and unprecedented way to experience the world through the prism of contemporary dance?
The performance venue for the selected work is Zodiak Stage at the Cable Factory in Ruoholahti. Zodiak provides, in addition to partial financial support, the performance and rehearsal spaces, technical equipment and basic technical support. Zodiak will also include the performance in all its publications and communications (press releases, social media, newsletters etc), as well as cover the costs for pr and press photos (within Zodiak’s fixed fees).
The applicant will gather the artistic team (i.e performers, designers) and is responsible for the work to be completed. As Zodiak and Globe Art Point are only co-producers for the selected work, the applicants are required to also apply for other funding.
2) Proposals for Z-free. Z-free is a space for artistic try-outs and meditations, that will also be opened to the audience in a free demonstration session. Z-free concept can also include conversations taking different kind of forms, as well as small-scale workshops. The support for works within the Z-free concept consists mostly of studio time and of a small financial fee.
Applications guidelines
APPLICATION FORM is open from October 3 until November 15, 2018, here:
Application attachments:
•project plan, max 3 pages
•curriculum vitae of the members in the artistic team
Attachments must be sent together with the application form. Acceptable attachment file forms are pdf, doc, docx, txt, rtf, xls, xlsx, zip.
Sending of work samples is required. Web videos are preferred, the link should be mentioned in the application form. If videos are not available online, the sample can also be sent as a dvd. DVDs must be sent by mail to Zodiak – Center for New Dance, Tallberginkatu 1/154, FI-00180 Helsinki. Work samples must contain the name of the applicant and the work. Work samples are not returned.
Zodiak’s production selection for 2020 is made by Zodiak’s artistic director Harri Kuorelahti together with the artistic team, consisting of Zodiak’s and Globe Art Point’s representatives. All applicants are informed by the end of January 2019 by email. The final programming possibly requires some flexibility on the scheduling of productions.
Further information:
Artistic director Harri Kuorelahti / Zodiak, harri.kuorelahti @
Managing director Tomi Purovaara / Globe Art Point, tomi.purovaara @ (general information of GAP LAB project)