14.-17.5.2018 | free of charge

Monday the 14th of May, at 12-16 Seminary Room at Kiasma

Mannerheiminaukio 2, 00100 Helsinki




Inclusive Leadership is a seminar addressing cultural workers and art institutions, and it focuses on institutional structures and leadership from a norm critical perspective. In the seminar we discuss how diversity can be taken into account in recruitment, curating and strategical work. How to build and lead inclusive art institutions in today’s multilingual and culturally diverse societies? NOTICE, THE SEMINAR REQUIRES A REGISTRATION!


Sign up here before the 2nd of May!



Registration and Coffee



 Welcome words and presentation of the projects Opening and Helsinki Art Institutions for Equality (in English)



Power, strategies and structures (in English)

Lectures and a panel discussion.





Power, programming and curating (in English)

Lectures and a panel discussion


The speakers of the seminar include director general Elina Anttila (National Museum of Finland), cultural manager, producer and curator Ceyda Berk-Söderblom, district manager of library services Eeva Jäppinen (Soukan Library, Espoo), director Katariina Kummala (Kuopio Symphony Orchestra), director Mika Myllyaho (Finnish National Theatre) and conductor Jackie Shin. Moderators of the day are Tellervo Kalleinen, Sonya Lindfors and Martina Marti.


Monday the 14th of May, at 17:30-21 Cultural Center Caisa

Kaikukatu 4, 00530 Helsinki, sisäpiha




Blackness & the Postmodern, the second publication by UrbanApa, is a collection of texts by international and Finnish artists who deal in more depth with the friction between postmodern contemporaneity and blackness as well as the question whether the black body can be abstract on the stages of contemporary performing arts.



Welcome words (in English)

Sonya Lindfors



A lecture: Barely Human (in English)

Max Ryynänen, a Helsinki-based post-philosopher, talks about how capitalist, colonialist, heteronormative and misogynist practices have traditionally worked hard to make some people seem ‘less human’ than others, but weirdly we sometimes also enjoy being commodified, treated like tools (occasionally, by our lovers) or experiencing ourselves as machines. Could self-reflection through being ‘barely human’ offer us a valuable lesson on humanity itself?



A very pink elephant in a rather white room (in English)

Shubhangi Singh, Visual Artist and a Masters student at Aalto University, and Maïmouna Jagne-Soreau, a PhD candidate, examine the matters of colour that resides in the narrow and, often unpopular passages amongst the existing larger discourse around race. Exploring local tools and vocabulary in order to approach issues of racialization, colourism and ethnic belonging, beyond a generalised hatred towards the esoteric “white man”.



Tuesday the 15th of May, at 12-16 Lavaklubi

Läntinen Teatterikuja 1, 0010 Helsinki


A lecture: Sukupuolittunut vihapuhe (in Finnish)

Panda Eriksson puhuu transsukupuolisuudesta, marginaalin marginaalista, intersektionaalisuudesta ja vihapuheesta. Eriksson on trans-, muu- ja intersukupuolisten intressejä ajavan Trasek ry:n puheenjohtaja, Turun kaupungin vammaisneuvoston jäsen sekä saavutettavuuden ja esteettömyyden konsultti ja luennoitsija.

A lecture: Unelmointi on ihmisoikeus (in Finnish)

Carmen Baltzar on freelancekirjoittaja, elokuvantekijä ja Ruskeat Tytöt – median toimittaja. Puheenvuorossaan hän pohtii unelmoinnin välttämättömyyttä ja vaikeutta.



A lecture: Saamelaisten sananvapaus (in Finnish)

Vuoden saamelainen 2017 Pirita Näkkäläjärvi puhuu saamelaisten sananvapaudesta Suomessa, missä vihapuhe ja vaientamisyritykset uhkaavat saamelaisten yhdenvertaista oikeutta osallistua julkiseen keskusteluun ja poliittiseen päätöksentekoon.


The Future Will Be Different -paneelikeskustelu (in Finnish)
Paneelikeskustelu tulevaisuudesta, unelmoista ja muutoksesta. Keskustelijoina Panda Eriksson, Carmen Baltzar ja Pirita Näkkäläjärvi. Keskustelun moderoi Sonya Lindfors.



Tuesday the 15th of May, at 16:30-20 Ateneum

Kaivokatu 2, 00100 Helsinki





Welcome words (in English)

Carmen Baltzar, Sonya Lindfors ja Max Ryynänen.

A lecture: Charlene Teters(in English)
Charlene Teters is known for her activism as an American Indian and as an internationally exhibited artist and speaker. She is a citizen of the Spokane Nation. Currently, Charlene is Academic Dean at the Institute of American Indian Arts in Santa Fe New Mexico. Her declaration, “We are human being not mascots” has been echoed by indigenous people on many continents.


 A grand discussion about appropriation / part 2 (in English)
A panel discussion about cultural appropriation. Amongst speakers are artist and activist Charlene Teters and the Sami of the year 2017 Pirita Näkkäläjärvi. Moderator Carmen Baltzar.



Conversation in small groups.



Wednesday the 16th of May, at 12-16 Lavaklubi

Läntinen Teatterikuja 1, 0010 Helsinki




A lecture: Women, dance and revolution in the southern Mediterranean (in English)

Lecture from Dr. Rose Martin, a senior lecturer in Dance Studies at the University of Auckland, New Zealand. The presentation reflects the experiences of women living around the southern Mediterranean who have defied society and found a way through the political environment to dance. The presentation examines how those engaging with dance are proponents of change and activists for hope in a volatile region, and questions how dance / art has the potential for (traumatised, occupied, conflict) spaces to be re-imagined?



The potential of dance in creating change (in English)

A discussion about the potential of dance in creating change. Speakers are choreographer Sonya Lindfors, Rose Martin from University of Auckland and the artistic director of Zodiak Harri Kuorelahti.

14:30- 16:00

MY FEMINIST TOOLBOX / näyttämö ja toisintekeminen (in Finnish)
Työpaja koreografi Sonya Lindforsilta ja ohjaaja Olga Palolta.



COSMIC LATTE by choreographer Sonya Lindforst in Pannuhalli at Caple Foctory at 19. By your tickets here.



Thursday the 17th of May, at 12-16 Lavaklubi

Läntinen Teatterikuja 1, 0010 Helsinki



ARMA launch (in English)

Introducing the project ARMA (Anti-Racism Media Activist Alliance), bubbly and toast.



ARMA: “Racialized voices in Finland” (in Finnish)

Paneelikeskustelu. Puhujina taiteilija ja vapaakirjoittaja Carmen Baltzar, youtubettaja Jenny Kasongo ja sarjakuvataiteilija Warda Ahmed. Keskustelun moderoi Monica Gathuo.



RUSKEAT TYTÖT WORKSHOP: Sanat & Valta (in Finnish)

Ensimmäisen sukupolven maahanmuuttaja vai ensimmäisen sukupolven suomalainen? Naisräppäri vai räppäri? Kuka on kantasuomalainen, kuka maahanmuuttajataustainen? Sanat & Valta –työpajassa käsitellään sanojen ja vallan yhteyttä sekä sitä, miten sanat eivät ainoastaan heijasta todellisuutta, vaan myös luovat sitä. Työpajan vetävät toimittaja Kyösti Hagert sekä toimittaja, copywriter & Ruskeat Tytöt Median markkinointijohtaja Jasmina Amzil.





Friday the 25th of May, at 21-03

Restaurant Putte’s: Kalevankatu 6, 00100 Helsinki



Ruskeat Tytöt –media and UrbanApa organizes the ending party of #StopHatredNow in restaurant Putte’s. Look forward to feminist emancipation, dance, music and all the rest! Palying Dj Yeboah and dj Cute Cumber. K-18.



The accessibility of the venues


Kiasma is accessible. The Seminar Room has an induction loop and an amplifier available if necessary. More information here or contact martina.marti@cultureforall.fi, 0400 997 203.


Accessible entrance with a lift on the Itäinen Teatterikuja. Induction loop not available. More information here (in Finnish) or contact hannareetta.majanen@kansallisteatteri.fi, 010 733 1259.


Accessible entrance with a lift on the Ateneuminkuja side of the museum. An induction loop system is installed in the auditorium. Amplified headsets are available when necessay. More information here or contact mika.vayrynen@ateneum.fi, 029 450 0249.


The floor level of Putte’s is accessible. For more information, contact puttes@puttes.fi.


The new space for Cultural Center Caisa has yet no specified accessibility information. For more information, contact johanna.rissanen@hel.fi, 09 310 37798.



More information and updated program




The event is organized by UrbanApa, Culture for All, Kiasma, Ateneum, Cultural Center Caisa, Interkult, Globe Art Point, Goethe-institut, Cupore – Center for Cultural Policy Research, Aalto University’s Department of Art, Zodiak – Center for New Dance, ArtsEqual, The Finnish National Theatre’s Lavaklubi and Ruskeat Tytöt – media.

The event is supported by The Arts Promotion Centre Finland (Taike) and sponsored by Ruohonjuuri and Innogreen.




During the event it is possible to see the latest choreography by Sonya Lindfors!

COSMIC LATTE May 15th and 16th at 19:00, Pannuhalli, Cable Factory

Post-performance discussion on May 15.


COSMIC LATTE asks what a utopian future that comes after the confrontations and breaking up of structures would look like. The logic of our thinking has changed, because black and white are no longer opposites. Instead, they contain one another. Borderlines have become less steep, meanings mix like liquids. More here!


Pannuhalli, door P: Tallberginkatu 1 P, 00180 Helsinki. Entrance is accessible but the door is not automatised. Accessible lift. Please, inform if you have a wheelchair when booking the ticket. More information here (in Finnish) or contact piia.ahonen@zodiak.fi, 09 3154 4729.