Help Desk 14.9.2017 – Finnish Taxation for Artists

Welcome to the Artists’ taxation workshop with Mirkka Kivilehto!

This workshop is focused on the basics of taxation of an individual freelance artist working in Finland. In it we will go through the pre-completed tax return and what you should consider as a freelance artist, ex. different types of freelance income, grants and deductions.
Seats limited.
Expert: Mirkka Kivilehto
Place: Malminkatu 5, map

Date and time: 14th September, from 3 pm to 5 pm

Language: English

Important: the workshop concentrates only on the taxation of individual persons working in Finland, not on firms or other corporations.

Registration deadline: 10th September.


Enrol Here


Mirkka Kivilehto is a lawyer working for the Trade Union for Theatre and Media (TEME) since 2013. Her work is more oriented to issues related to employment, IP and freelance issues, but also goes through issues involving taxation of individuals.