10.10.18 – Breakfast at Dance Info Finland

Are you a dance artist /worker who wants to get to know better one of the central structures of the Finnish dance scene?
Globe Art Point will organize a breakfast meeting in the Dance Info Finland on Monday 10.10.2018 at 10-11.30. 
Dance Info Finland is an expert in the Finnish dance sector, offering services and guidance. Its staff includes professionals from the fields of dance art, communications, cultural production and international affairs.
You will be able to present you and your work to Dance Info’s people and to hear of their activities and services in the field of Finnish dance as well as of their international work and networks.

If you are interested to participate, please send your email to info@globeartpoint.fi latest in 6.10.2018.
For more information please contact Tomi Purovaara, tomi.purovaara@globeartpoint.fi

Dance Info Finland is located at Cable Factory, Tallberginkatu 1 C 93, 2nd floor.
Check also: dance info website

This event is part of Globe Art Point’s GAP INFO project supported by the Finnish Cultural Foundation, the Ministry of Education and Culture and the City of Helsinki.