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Tag: Foreign-born

Two recipes for quarantine days’ survival by Elizaveta Bomash

Two recipes for quarantine days’ survival by Elizaveta Bomash

#chocolatebrownies #stephencovey Breath in – breath out, as another day in quarantine begins. The morning is not so different from pre-quarantine days: wake up early, make coffee, cook breakfast, play with my son, feed the dog, discuss plans for the day with my husband, do a family hug if the spirit is low. A quick meditation to focus on what needs to be done, breath in – breath out. Beneath the surface, things are deviating from the usual. It feels…

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OPEN CALL for a Blog Article

OPEN CALL for a Blog Article

Would you be interested in writing an article about your life as a foreign-born artist or cultural worker in Finland, during the Coronavirus outbreak? How has the pandemic affected your livelihood and/or your environment? Globe Art Point selects and publishes four blog contributions during April and May 2020. The blogs will be published on 150 euros will be paid for each published article. The recommended length of the article is 500 to 1500 words. Please send the proposed article…

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